Humans like to believe they are at the center of the world. Yet they know dinosaurs, fallen empires and glaciations. They know their fate but believe in eternity. On a clear day, they may see themselves poor and perishable. The next day, free, glorious and triumphant.
In the great march of the world, humans are nothing more than sad little animals. But animals that console themselves in beauty and in desire for immortality. For this, men will invent religions, philosophies and civilizations. They will conquer, dominate, oppress. And procreate. They will make up stories and write History. But very rarely will they understand where they stand and never really escape their condition. And deep down, men are those animals of no significance who only aspire to more and better.
Animal Triste might be a freeze frame to try to understand the nature and posture of Man in all his humanity.
Direction and choreography: Mélanie Demers
On stage: Marc Boivin, James Gnam, Brianna Lombardo and Riley Sims / Rehearsal assistant: Anne-Marie Jourdenais / Original Lighting: Alexandre Pilon-Guay / Music: Jacques Poulin-Denis
photo credit: Mathieu Doyon